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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting – May 10, 2011 @ 7:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT
Present:  Commissioners Cramer, Gaudet-Wilson, Germain, Henderson, Hovious, Kaley, and Kershaw

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.  

Items Added to the Agenda – Commissioner Henderson requested that the item “Victory Garden” be added under New Business.  

Public Participation – Amy Mangold discussed a new program/software system for work orders that Parks and Rec. are working on implementing with the GIS Department.  Commissioner Wilson said the commission is looking forward to receiving updates.  For now, Ms. Mangold said there is no automatic way to provide updates unless a request is made.  Commissioner Wilson asked if GIS Department can provide an information session on how the program works.  Commissioner Wilson submitted work orders for cleaning up trash on Toddy Hill Road near Clearview and also one for a sign for the area about No Dumping.

Correspondence – None

Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Hovious motioned to approve the minutes of April 26, 2011.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Henderson.  The minutes were approved unanimously as amended.  
Commissioner Germain joined the group at 7:13 pm.

Fairfield Hills Open Space Update – Commissioner Hovious attended the Planning & Zoning meeting and discussed a presentation that was done by Kevin Fitzgerald regarding the impact of housing on taxpayers.  Another hearing will be held in July after the public survey done by the Fairfield Hills Master Plan Committee is completed.  The commissioners expressed concerns over the Planning & Zoning minutes, stating the information regarding the letter sent by the Conservation Commission to P & Z was misunderstood.  Commissioner Hovious will write another letter to Planning & Zoning.  

Commissioner Cramer joined the meeting at 7:24 pm.

Open Space 37-3-14 – Commissioner Hovious discussed a conversation he had with George Benson and Elizabeth Stocker regarding their meeting with the Department of Agriculture.  There is still an issue regarding the road but there should be no problems with the ultimate transfer of the property.

Point O’ Rocks Trail Discussion – Commissioner Kaley discussed a conversation she had with Scott Coleman regarding the Trails Committee’s walk of the site.  A proposal will be put together for review.  The proposal moves the trail away from property lines and includes two bridges and boardwalks to cross wetlands.  It was noted that the bridge would have to be strong enough to hold a horse and rider.

Bill Pieragostini, 9 Point O’ Rocks Road, asked if different parts of the trail can be split as far as uses (i.e., part pedestrian and part multiuse).  Commissioner Wilson said it the Conservation Commission would need to review to determine but that the goal is for everyone to work together in order to expedite a consensus.  Commissioner Cramer explained that this is a new situation and details need to be worked out between the two commissions.  Mr. Pieragostini said the turtles hatch around September and he is concerned about the timing of the trails approval.  

Anthony Mason, 50 Deep Brook Road, discussed the dangers of snapping turtles and said there should be signs warning pedestrians.  

Other Trail Walks – Commissioners Kaley, Henderson and Wilson walked part of the new trail at Brunot (NFA property) on Taunton Hill Road.  The section designated pedestrian only crosses a stream which requires a bridge for bikes and/or horses.

Boy Scout Project at Orchard Hill – Commissioner Wilson said Holly Kocet will train and assist the Boy Scouts on Saturday, May 21st from 9:00am to 1:00pm.  

Forest Evaluation – A special meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12th at 3:00 pm in Conference Room #3 at the Municipal Center with Larry Rousseau, Forest Management Consultant with the DEP.  The meeting will address recommendations from the Yale Management Plan, including the creation of snags and monitoring the Hemlock stand at Pole Bridge.  Jerry Milne from DEP will also attend.

Monroe Waste Facility – Commissioner Wilson said a letter was sent to the Dept of Fisheries at DEP regarding the possible activity that would compromise the water quality in the Half Way River.  The letter was copied to the First Selectman, Rob Sibley, and the commission.  Also, a letter was sent to Monroe’s Conservation Commission requesting that the two commissions work together to protect the river.  She was also impressed with Monroe’s Conservation Commission’s information on their website.  Commissioner Hovious said this proposal was withdrawn from Monroe’s Planning and Zoning Commission and that there was a great deal of protest by neighbors.  Trout Unlimited and the Department of Fisheries were also sharing concerns.  

Work Orders – Amy Mangold explained that the new work order system is still a work in progress.  She will work on getting feedback to the commissioners on outstanding work orders.

Upcoming Events – The commissioner discussed Earth Day, stating that it went very well.  May 14, 2100 @ 10:00 am Low Impact Development / Conservation Subdivisions Seminar (Municipal Center, Council Chambers).  Commissioner Wilson said the Ad is in Voices, but did not get into the Bee properly.  It will be on their website.  The three speakers are: Martin Connor, City Planner for the City of Torrington; Jan Keillor, President of Land Engineering Associates, Monroe; and Mary Ann Nussom-Haverstock, Environmental Analyst, Planning and Standards Division at DEP.  Fliers were distributed and other groups were invited (P & Z, Inland Wetlands, LC, EDC, the Board of Selectmen, TBDAC, etc.  The session will be videotaped.  May 28, 2011 - The Great Pootatuck Duck Race in Sandy Hook.  Ms. Hazen will put together coloring books to be handed out to children for the event.


Open Space Inventory and Maintenance Progress – Commissioner Kaley is waiting for an updated list of open space parcels from GIS.  Commissioner Hovious discussed a letter drafted by the subcommittee to be sent to neighbors surrounding open space parcels.  The mailing will include a map of the open space parcel that pertains to each recipient.  The commissioners discussed the Police Department’s role in answering complaints or concerns on open space.  The commission will set up an e-mail account (i.e., for communications from the public.   Commissioner Kaley discussed putting up the open space map on the Town’s website.

Property Marking Plans, Surveying Status – Commissioner Hovious discussed placing a sign on an open space parcel near his home and clearing invasives from the site.  

Natural Resources Inventory Status Report – No update.  

Aquifer Withdrawal Status – No update.

Conservation Easement on Wastewater Treatment Plant – Commissioner Hovious will check the progress of this with George Benson.

Status of Halfway River Fishing Access – Commissioner Wilson said there should still be funding left over from the grant (Loveland property) for an access/parking area along Halfway River.  Commissioner Hovious said the commissioners needs to know what is being planned for this, trails, signage, etc., and that the commission should have the opportunity to weigh in on this.  Commissioner Kaley will see if she can get an update on this.  

Enforcement Activity – No update.

Owl Boxes – Commissioner Cramer will complete a letter to the participants/volunteers who helped with this project.  

Education Committee – Commissioner Wilson said the Invasives PowerPoint presentation will be shown at Hawley School fourth graders – date to be determined.  There has been no feedback from other schools.  The subcommittee discussed writing a letter or creating a pamphlet that can be left for homeowners who have invasives on their property.  The letter will offer help from the commission in removing the vegetation.  Commissioner Hovious discussed the Source to Sound paddlers luncheon at Kettletown State Park.  He would like to provide some information on invasives.  
New Commissioner Orientation – Commissioners Cramer and Wilson will work towards putting together a plan.  New commissioners will also walk open space parcels.

Invasives Subcommittee – The next invasive work project is tentatively scheduled for June 4th to remove Bittersweet on Pole Bridge.

Legislation – Commissioner Wilson noted that Bill HB 6557 (Liability for Recreational Use of Lands) received favorable support.  

Horse Guard – Commissioner Henderson said both the 1st and 2nd Company Horse Guards will remain as they are with assistance from private funding.

POCD – Efforts to continue updates on this may be stalled due to budget cuts.


Regional Open Space, Work with NFA – The commissioners will meet with the NFA (Bob Echinrode) to review regional open space maps during an Executive Session at 6:00 pm just before the May 24th regularly scheduled meeting.

Victory Garden – Commissioner Kaley said that Harvey Pesson was promoting the Victory Garden during the Earth Day event.  Mr. Pesson will be the project leader on this.  The garden will be on the Fairfield Hills property, close to the road, near the Farmer’s Market.  The food will be given to the local food bank and anything left over will be delivered to Nunnawauk Meadows.  Volunteers are asked to adopt a 30 foot row (planting, weeding, etc.)  Commissioner Kaley motioned that the Conservation Commission adopt a row at the Victory Garden in Fairfield Hills.  Commissioner Kershaw seconded the motion.  Commissioner Hovious asked who will take the lead on this.  A subcommittee for this will include Commissioners Kaley, Wilson, Henderson and Kershaw.  The commissioners will donate the plants.  Commissioner Kaley then added to her motion that a subcommittee be formed to oversee the maintenance of that row.  Commissioner Germain seconded the motion.  Commissioner Kaley volunteered to take the lead on this.  She will find out what vegetable Mr. Pesson would want the row planted with.  Commissioner Wilson called the motion to question.  The motion was approved unanimously.  

Commissioner Kaley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 pm.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Cramer.  The motion was carried unanimously.